Saturday, June 10, 2006

oh yeeeeeeah...


(shakes head)

oh, bun. you know better than that. say it again, out loud.

"unsolicited knitted gifts may not be a good idea."

perhaps it would be wise not to force knitted objects upon my unsuspecting friends. i get these ideas to make "gifts" whenever i just want to try knitting something new. the pink madeline with the white trim, for example. it's done. it could maybe use one more trip through the washing machine. and i was just about to give it to someone, but i'm not sure how practical it is, really. and it's pretty cute for a hand-knitted object (cuter than the picture), but is it really cute enough to be used? for reals? in public? i dunno.

my pile of knitted objects with no use is growing. the stuffed animals i make usually leave my possession fairly quickly after completion (except penguin; he's mine), but i have, let's see, two bags made of kuryeon (curse you, noro!), one failed-to-felt madeline, one ug-gah-lee vomit-rainbow colored scarf out of lionbrand homespun (i really thought the yarn looked cool when i picked it out, and oh-ho-ho did it end up being beastly stuff) that will have to go in the donation bin at church (where the kids dress funky enough that someone might actually like it), umm, oh yeah, and the aforementioned cute pink madeline. i also have this random swatch of leftover kureyon because i don't know what to do with the yarn and it was expensive.

heidi? are you there? emily? margarita? what do you do when you have the itch to knit but you don't need anything and no one has requested anything?

why did i choose this hobby again?

and i still haven't made myself that blue scarf.


At June 12, 2006 at 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(though you know who i am)... it seems to me, dearest bunny, that you are angling for a request. so. please please please can i have the pink purse? please please please? oh pretty please? it is so pink and cute, with white (cream?) edging- and small and dainty and pink... oh please?

At June 12, 2006 at 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

golly. i feel bad now that it seems i was angling for a request. mostly i was just doubting the utility of my knit projects.

i would be delighted to give you the pink purse. i would like to felt it once more, though, to make it stronger for you. and i would like to add a magnetic snap closure, to make it more secure for you. and maybe add a liner. and i don't know how long it will take me to do that, or indeed, if i even know how.

At June 12, 2006 at 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Needs. Nothing you need, you say. Moving to warmer climes, you say, Are there no cute babies to adorn in baby stuff? (unsolicited stuff for babies is always ok.) No knitting books you have laying around to inspire you? And this need business--who says it has to be fore you or anyone you know? You could donate. And yes, sometimes it may give you pause to donate an exquisite piece of handmade artistry to some unknown and probably smelly stranger. But smelly strangers like nice things too.

ps. I didn't mean to sound preachy, but it was the only way i could come up with for you to knit and have it still be purposeful. Cuz, like you said, sweaters are not going to be your thing pretty soon.

At June 20, 2006 at 5:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know someone who, for sure, for sure, for sure would like the pinky one. (Presumably "anonymous" above -- I decided to comment before reading the other comments, but did read them before actually commenting...) And as for the so-called "madeline mishap" -- well, as a bona fide bagaholic I'm probably not the most objective judge -- but I think it's quite beautiful, as well.


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