Friday, July 21, 2006


I am reluctant to continue with my scarf.

I'm itching to knit it, but hesitant to continue it. Know what I mean?

I've decided to keep this color scheme, but my last decision is whether or not I should change the width of the stripes.

So I am on pause until I feel certain enough to proceed.

This is me being hesitant (after a point) to solve problems.



At August 17, 2006 at 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do know what you mean. Exactly. I couldn't decide whether to go with grey or red. I ended up going with red, then frogging it, then going with grey.

It's the decisions that you get to make that are sometimes crippling.

But I hope you have continued since then, cause this is weeks ago. Weeks!

If not... what are you waiting for? Knit, Bunny, knit! ;)


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Monday, July 17, 2006


Sorry. I dislike that abbreviation too.

But you see, I was completely JOKING about the whole toilet paper cosy thing. As in, I was trying to think of the most inutile thing I could think of to knit. Does toilet paper really need to stay warm or look cuddly?

But OMG. They make them. And they're serious about them.

Suddenly I am paralyzed by a horrifying flashback of doll shaped crocheted toilet paper cosies in old ladies' houses from back in my childhood. The faint smell of rosewater and Pine Sol wafts in along with my memory. Yuck. Yeah, and I always thought those dolls were creepy weird. And they were always purple and white. How could I have forgotten?

Here's proof, I guess, that other kinds exist.

(images lifted from carol browne, jan-on-ice, and mk carroll)

and again.



At July 18, 2006 at 4:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I like the devilish one.

At July 29, 2006 at 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot about the doll ones. I guess they were cute (for Grandma's house).

At August 17, 2006 at 5:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB? Can we knit the devlish one for D? That same red or even a darker wine-colour. Possibly with slight changes here and there.

But yeah. Can we co-knit it?

I think it would be funny.

And I think he might actually use it.


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Saturday, July 15, 2006


Darnit. I cut my yarn to take a picture today. I don't know what I was thinking.

Anyway, you know I've been griping about not getting the right look. Two obvious things have come up for me.

1) Draw. I was thinking about knitting a bunch of sample swatches, and I've already done a lot of computer cut-and-paste with the photos of my scarf to try to figure out what different color patterns would look like. I just didn't think of getting out my crayons before. Duh.

2) Check this out. Right side,

Wrong side.

That's actually kinda close. It gives me ideas.

Basically, I'm not sure what I want anymore. Time to get out the crayons I guess.

What else I'm not sure about? If I'm going to make stripes THAT skinny, carrying up vs. weaving in even MORE ends— which, as you can see, I have not done at all yet. (I honestly do not know where my tapestry needles are right now.)

That's all for now. Do look at my previous post because it is pretty.


At July 17, 2006 at 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looked at your Missoni post. As I understand it you wish for something not "patterned" correct? Color order I do not feel competent to comment on, but, perhaps you could make the stripes all different widths?

At July 17, 2006 at 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

right. that's what i meant by "visual disruption".

i don't know. i'm waffling back and forth. deep in my heart of hearts i want to keep going with the pattern as it is, but i fear it will turn out ugly. or at least, not perfectly to my satisfaction. or dowdy.


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Friday, July 14, 2006

Not quite

This is the part where I tell you that what I was going for with the chevron stripe idea was the old Missoni look from the 1960's and 70's. You know the one? With the psychotic, luridly multi-colored, nearly eye-numbing zigzag patterns? I guess a little bit like this

or like this (the cup)

and like these.

(All the above are actual Missoni patterns, by the way.)

My problem was that I had an image in my head and did not study the real thing before I got started. My stripes are far too regular and perhaps even too harmonious. They are staid and boring. Or is it that I just haven't gotten very far yet and so my photos are really zoomed-in on the pattern? I may frog back and do a little of that visual disruption thing, or maybe even just start doing it from here, seeing how there doesn't seem to be a true order to the way Missoni did it.

Things brings me to an interesting point. I used to think this pattern was so tacky. Now I find myself trying to mimic it in my knitting.

I don't know what else to say about that, so I'll just leave you with this image.



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Thursday, July 13, 2006


You know what?

I think I like it.

Addendum: Crud! Dang! and Gah and Bah! I just began to consider what the other end of the scarf will look like if I stay with this color repeat scheme. I don't think it will look right ending on the accent stripe followed by a brown border; perhaps I need to tuck the green accent stripe in the middle somewhere. Darnit, darnit, darnit... I will frog the whole thing if I need to re-order the colors...


At July 14, 2006 at 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would work just fine to mirror the pattern at the halfway point and work the color scheme backward from there. Then both ends would hang symmetrically. But then you'd be obliged to hang it evenly, so that the pattern would change right at the back of the neck.

At July 14, 2006 at 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i think that's more work than it's worth. i will probably just end the scarf somewhere else in the cycle. that wouldn't be too aesthetically offensive, would it?

At July 16, 2006 at 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Look who's a knitter.


At July 13, 2006 at 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping to see another photo of Russel Crowe.

At July 13, 2006 at 3:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah. Crowe is no legend. He's just some putz with a bad attitude that some people think looks good. Now DeBakey— he's a legend and a hero. He saves lives and invents ways for other people to save lives. He has hospitals and high schools and surgical instruments and academic awards named after him. THIS guy matters.

And look. He's been knitting for like NINETY years.

(That has to be at least somewhat interesting?)


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(I'm saying it on the inside.)


A special thanks to Penny for her efforts in tracking down confirmation of what's wrong with line one of the pattern.

Addendum: on second look, maybe I need to make the red stripe as thick as the others. What do you think?

Addendum: on third look, maybe I need to re-order my color pattern. I type this after I've frogged back and re-knit six rows of red followed by six rows of white. Gah.


At July 13, 2006 at 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you found the exact color I pictured in my head.

At July 13, 2006 at 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that's 'cause it was already the color I was looking for. Because it's the right color.


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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


You know what?

Sometimes I knit to help myself feel better when I'm down.


At July 12, 2006 at 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know What..
I do the same thing...
Knitting is a Pick me up.. Especially when you can share your knitting with other knitters !

keep those needles clicking and feel better !!!


At July 12, 2006 at 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, penny! you're really sweet.


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Monday, July 10, 2006


You know what?

Now that I think about it, I think I may have gotten the inspiration for the color scheme I've chosen for the chevron scarf from this.

I must just have it on the brain. These are the fabrics being used to make my living room furniture.

So aside from feeling goofy for having chosen to make a scarf in a scheme that will match my sofa (can you say fuddy-duddy?), I have another concern. Allow me to demonstrate.

I bought five different colors to make the scarf, knowing that this was one color fewer than that in the pattern. This was mostly to save money, because the yarn ended up being costly. I was planning on having bright white be the eye-popping contrast color (taking the place of the acid yellow in the original pattern). However,

I think I may need a sixth color. This color repeat scheme seems too short. I was going for something retro-funky, and what I've got so far is just old-lady.

I think I need an apple green. Now THAT would be a good contrast. But then would white be too white? What would I change it to?

Puffintoad? Any suggestions?

I would also like to report that the pattern to which I linked thoroughly confused me, and I had to do some research and modify it before obtaining any results at all. I am still trying to understand what was written, so that maybe I could frog back and do it "right", but I have a sneaking suspicion that the pattern was transcribed incorrectly from the Debbie Bliss book or slight modifications were made to it either before or after its submission to the goofy teen magazine that re-published it. And I must say, the word "jazzy" in the description makes me want to barf.

Lastly, I hereby officially complain about the price of yarn. Ouch.


At July 11, 2006 at 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stayed up until three o'clock trying to make those instructions work out. I researched and decided that it makes no sense to "slip two individually purl-wise". If this step is actually possible, could you explain to me how? And why?

At July 11, 2006 at 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems to me that slipping two individually purl-wise would be the same thing as slipping two together purlwise.

what i'm doing is k9, slip two together knit-wise, k1, slip both slipped stitches over knit stich, k9... etc.

so what do you think? apple green?

At July 11, 2006 at 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Your scarf looks beautiful.. I sure wish I had my Book here to see what the heck the problem is..
Now it has me going buggy !
Lets see what they say in the Blog ???
Love your colors and would love to see the apple green in there.. :)

At July 11, 2006 at 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for checking, penny! like i said, i really think there must have been some transcription error in the version of the pattern available to me. don't worry yourself too much.

At July 12, 2006 at 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apple green would be nice. But keep it on the yellow side of apple. And slightly earthy. I have this Prismacolor I wish I could show you...


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Sunday, July 9, 2006


Here are the yarns from which I shall make the chevron stripe scarf.

I've bought the yarns. Now I HAVE to make it, right?

I'm excited. I hope the colors work out okay.


At July 10, 2006 at 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you buy the yarn on line, or do you have a nifty store nearby that offers nice yarn? We had two shops in Anchorage, and both of them are gone now. I don't see how this could be, it being such a cold state and all. You'd think we'd have lots of business for the yarn dealer folks.

At July 10, 2006 at 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

got this at a local yarn store. it was pricey, but available immediately. i have found some incredible discounts online in the past though.

i have some concerns with these yarns and could use your opinion. see next post...

what? no more yarn stores in anchorage? where are alaskan knitters supposed to get their yarn?


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Saturday, July 8, 2006

Next project, please

The problem with posting a "knitting update" as I did in my previous post is that it shows you just how much unfinished work there is to do on my current projects.

Then you wonder if you really ought to be starting this new project that I want to start. Soon. Today.

See, it's cold where I work. I mean, it's hot where I live, but to compensate, they refrigerate the rooms at work. My fingernails turn blue, it's so cold. And you know that I feel a bit unhappier when I am cold, just because I'm cold. I can't wear sweaters to work because a) it's hot outside, b) scrubs are sometimes the attire for the day. So maybe when we're in the conference hall, where I get cold most quickly, I can wear a scarf.

Other problems with starting this scarf?
1) The boredom of knitting a scarf. Yes, it will be in a chevron pattern, so it won't be boring like a stockinette or garter stitch pattern, but still. Scarves are slow going. Irish Hiking Scarf nearly got abandoned/frogged because I found it tedious.
2) It's stripes that are skinny. That means [cue suspensful music] weaving in ends. [shudder]
3) Buying the yarn will be more expensive than I want it to be. The pattern calls for Debbie Bliss Merino DK. I know I don't have to make it with that, but to make a cool looking chevron stripe pattern I'll need at least four, maybe six or seven colors. For DBMDK, six skeins would be $39. For any other yarn that feels decent against the skin, it may be comparable.
4) Weaving in ends.
5) It may take so long (limited time with new job) that I won't be done with it until I have died of hypothermia in the conference room.

I'm going to a yarn store today anyway, on my way home from the furniture store, just to check out what sort of LYS options I have here. I guess we'll see.


At July 9, 2006 at 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I want to make that scarf!

At July 9, 2006 at 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it spiffy? I almost called it retro-chic but that would make it seem overly trendy.

Oooo. We should knit it together! Like a knitalong. And that would justify me starting it! What colors would you use?

I think I may go look for a self-striping yarn, like a sock yarn. I wonder if it would look even remotely as cool.


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Tuesday, July 4, 2006


it's been a while since i've posted anything good because it's been a while since i've knit anything.

inspired by a new knitblog (go see it!), i wanted to post a photo of my current knitting project status. the lighting in my room is a bit off, but i think you can see okay if you click on it.

to clarify:

  • bunny bits: assemble pink bunny, the parts of whom all are made. make a tail for the camo-coloured bunny and assemble.
  • penguin parts: make two more feet pieces, then assemble and stuff.
  • tempting: it's a sweater. got a ways to go.
  • madelines: pink— felt once or twice more, then add snap closure and lining if able. striped— felt a bunch more.
  • booga bag (not pictured): felt a bunch more, if i have the patience for it.
  • mascots: the bunnies were gifts to me and i just think they're cute. i made the penguin, as you will recall; he reminds me that i am capable of making cute things.
and that's the state of things.


At July 5, 2006 at 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's so great. I don't have anything to show yet but I'm very excited to show off my first pair of socks!

And thank you for the link. :)


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